Craft & Cork >> July 2016

July 21, 2016 | By

Honing your wine senses: Taste

Most of us who enjoy wine are already familiar with the three steps in tasting wine: looking at the glass to see the wine’s colour and clarity, giving the wine a swirl before sniffing the glass to identify aromas, and then finally taking a sip (or often a gulp) to experience th.. Read More
progressive dinner group on the patio
July 7, 2016 | By

Perfectly pairing dinner with friends: Part 4

Time does fly these days. We started planning a progressive dinner party, including deciding on which RJS Craft Winemaking wines we would make, back in January.  First we planned the menu and selected the best wines to accompany the food; then we visited an RJS Craft Winemaking .. Read More

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