June 16, 2016 | By

Wine tasting wisdom

The hardest part about making your own craft wine, at least at the beginning, is deciding which wine to make.  With over 40 different wine kit varieties available, how do you narrow it down to just one or two?  Whether you enjoy rich, full-flavoured wines, or you prefer lighter-tasting styles, may be the result of simple human biology. We are al.. Read More
wine corks
June 2, 2016 | By

How to conquer cork taint

Have you ever opened a bottle of wine that you thought would be outstanding, but after placing your nose into the glass you were shocked by the smell of a wet, moldy basement? This is never a pleasant experience for any wine drinker.  But it is even worse when the wine is one you made yourself, pouring time and energy into it.  Where does this unpl.. Read More
Man and women enjoying wine during DIY project
May 26, 2016 | By

DIY with benefits

Many of my friends and acquaintances don’t know that, amongst my many other DIY hobbies, I like to do my own home renovations. In fact, someone came over to my house recently, admired my new ceramic tile floor, and then asked: “Who did this for you?". Another visitor even asked for the “contractor’s” business card. You can only imagine how .. Read More
May 12, 2016 | By

Craft wine cocktail party

The summer is near and you have just made a batch of Pinot Grigio or Vieux Chateau du Roi. There are now several bottles in your cellar just waiting to be uncorked one by one over the next couple of months. Before you enjoy all that wine yourself, remember a cardinal rule of wine drinking: sharing is caring! A fun way to share your wine with your fri.. Read More
April 28, 2016 | By

Does a glass bottle make my wine better?

Have you ever wondered why we most often drink wine from glass bottles? Today we take serving our wine from different shaped wine bottles for granted. But, as much as glass bottles are now the norm, in the entire history of wine, they are a fairly recent development. I did some investigating and discovered that glass does not actually impact the wine.. Read More

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