104 - 8484 162ND STREET,
V4N 1B4 - 604-596-9789
Monday to Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday to Monday: closed - Email us
- Visit our website

Welcome To Gillanders Wine Cellar
With our award winning wines at award winning prices we strive to be the best craft winemaking company in Greater Vancouver. We guarantee your wine every time. We also guarantee you’ll have the best winemaking experience yet, using our winery grade bottling equipment. Craft wine making has never been so easy.
- 100% satisfaction guarantee!
- Our bottling area features state of the art Automatic Fillers and Automatic Corkers with a Automated Bottle Washing and Sanitizing system.
- RJS Academy Member with exclusive products.
- Corks, Shrink Caps and Customized Labels are included with each on-premise batch.
- Over 200 different wines to choose from all the major suppliers.
- Barrel Aging Program.
- Friendly smiles from knowledgeable staff and always more in store!